Healthy kidneys remove waste products from blood. When kidneys fail, patients need dialysis treatments three times a week for three-four hour sessions to cleanse their blood. The body temperature of many dialysis patients drops while they are receiving dialysis because blood is taken from their bodies to be filtered by the dialysis machine, and then returned at a lower temperature. Click here to find out possible reasons why dialysis clinic centers are cold.
During these life-saving treatments patients often feel cold. However, many find the comfort of a blanket quite soothing; warming not only their bodies but their hearts too. The Iya Foundation is seeking donations of new, soft blankets for dialysis patients to cover up with during dialysis treatments.
- Pay attention to clothing. Do not be fooled by the warm weather during summertime
- Wear a cap. This could help prevent heat from escaping through the top of your head
- Protect other extremities. Wear thick socks or booties, scarfs, and cover up with a blanket
- Keep a bag with all your dialysis materials somewhere you can remember so you don’t forget it when you go in for treatment
- Talk to your doctors about concerns as to why you feel cold often