What is the Green Campaign ?
The green campaign is a global awareness and sensitization program initiated by the Iya foundation
Founder, Iya Bekondo-Granatella, to promote kidney and organ donation awareness. It is a month-long
outreach on kidney health education and community health screenings. The campaign is held every year
in March and 2022 was the 8th edition since its inception. The theme of this year’s campaign is “Kidney
Health for All”. The event is a month-long campaign during which, a series of community health screening
exercises and sensitization campaigns are conducted in communities across the globe. In the past years,
these campaigns have been organized in several regions all over Cameroon by The IYA Foundation such
as: Center, Littoral, Northwest and Southwest. However, our impact extended beyond those three
regions through our extensive national media tours, Posters, Billboards and Social Media adverts that
were circulated all over Cameroon, Africa and the World at large.The second Thursday of March each year
is known as the World Kidney Day attributing the Month defacto to be known as the Kidney Month. In
light of this month, the color GREEN is used to create awareness during this month of the Kidney.
Throughout this month and especially on the week constituting the World Kidney Day itself, The
foundation and its supporters share pictures of themselves in green on social media to promote kidney
awareness and sensitization in addition to large scale sensitization on Kidney disease and protection
through Media articles, Screening Campaign and Health Walks.

What activities were carried out During this year’s Campaign ?
1. Health sensitization and awareness creation through: Social Media ( Facebook, Instagram,
LinkedIn), 4 Tv Stations ( Hi Tv, Pstv, LDtv, CRTV), 2 radio stations ( Divine Mercy radio, CBS radio).
2. Screening Campaigns involving over 150 participants from 2 cities in the Southwest region
Cameroon on the leading causes of CKD ( Diabetes, Hypertension and Obesity)
3. Kidney Health Walk which involved 300+ participants from both in and out of the Buea
4. Food Security Program to assist Patients with ESRD with basic necessities.

You can read through the full report below