The Iya Project Financial Assistance Program Application for Low Income Uninsured End Stage Renal Disease Patients Available On February 14, 2014
On February 14, 2014, The Iya Project Trust will offer applications for our first round of financial aid to dialysis patients through our TIP Financial Assistance Program (TIP–FAP). TIP–FAP provides grants of up to $1000 to low income uninsured Dialysis and Post Kidney Transplant patients.
This initial round of TIP-FAP is being offered to residents of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Washington DC. Click here for more information about TIP-FAP program.
Dialysis is a long and expensive medical treatment and people on dialysis face very tough financial challenges. Post transplant patients also face a lot of challenges providing for the really expensive but needed post transplant anti-rejection drugs.TIP-FAP was created to help alleviate some of the financial stress these patients have to go through.
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