Tombel council is located in the South West region of Cameroon. It lies on the western side of the Kupe Mountain from where the name Kupe Muanenguba division. It covers a surface of 1007 Km2 and has a population of 110 178 inhabitants. The Tombel municipality covers a surface of 1007 Km2 for a population estimated at about 110 178 inhabitants. The Tombel municipality is constituted of 72 villages administered by chiefs of 2nd and 3rd degree .The major sociological groups are Bakossi, Grass landers, Nigerians, Banyangi, Oroko. We can observe population concentration in the administrative center of the town, the four urban area and CDC camps.In general, the population consists of: -Approximately 42,690 men – Approximately 42,587 women – And about 24 901 children aged 0-16 years.
District Medical Officer of Tombel Hospital: Dr. Mekolle Epie Ntoko
Mayor: Mme Ngassa Rose